How to Propose New and Original Research

I have designed several video tutorials that provide a detailed step by  step guidance on how to use existing research for proposing original  research.

After identification of the topic for the study, Search peer reviewed  databases (like Emerald, Sage, Wiley, Springer, Science Direct, Taylor  and Francis) for latest research (preferably 1 Year Old) on the topic.

Review the Proposed Limitations and Future Research Directions

Identify any new constructs/variables proposed that may be added to the  model.  New and original contribution stems from  adding new constructs to the model, new study setting is replication and  not contribution.

Do not just blindly add the variables, also search if the relationships  make sense in the context of your study and can you explain the proposed  relationship.

Do not take variables from one single study,  another scholar may have also read the same paper and may propose a  similar study, this will waste a lot of your time.

Finally, discuss your model with your supervisor or subject expert.