Learn to Use Google Scholar to Search Literature

How to Use Google Scholar to Search Literature

In this session i will discuss how to unleash Power of Google Scholar for effective research. The tutorial will guide on how to perform scenario based search using Google Scholar. The scholars will be able to use Google Scholar in a more efficient and effective manner. The guide will help you to use the sample strings to search for relevant papers/literature using google scholar. The tutorials focuses on

  • Using Google Scholar to Search Literature
  • Building Search Strings (intitle, allintitle, intext, and allintext) using Google Scholar

For Complete Google Scholar Playlist:

To Learn Software for Literature Review:

Sample Scenarios and Google Strings


When intitle is written followed by the search phrase, Google Scholar searches for the exact phrase in the title of the articles. Remember, if it is a phrase (more than one Word), it must be enclosed in quotes.


intitle:”University Social Responsibility”



If you are searching for multiple words or phrases, use allintitle, this will make Google
Scholar searches for the exact multiple words/phrases in the title of the articles.
There is no need to separate the phrases/words by the conjunction AND. However, OR is used when a scholar would like to search either of the concepts. Remember, if it is a phrase (more than one Word), it must be enclosed in


allintitle:”Corporate Social Responsibility” Team

allintext:”Servant Leadership” “project success”

Search a Particular Concept as title and text in the article

If you want to combine both intitle and intext to search for the main concept that you think will appear in the title and something related that may appear in the text of the paper, 


intitle:”Corporate Social Responsibility” intext:”Employee Commitment”

intitle:”Safety Leadership” intext:”Knowledge Management”

What Theories have been used with a particular concept

intitle:”Servant Leadership” intext:Theory

If Servant Leadership has been using with a particular Theory

intitle:”Servant Leadership” intext:”Complexity Theory”

intitle:”Servant Leadership” intext:”Path-Goal Theory”

intitle:”Innovative Behavior” “Servant Leadership” intext:”Theory”

intitle:”Safety Performance” “Leadership” intext:”Theory”

intitle:”Knowledge Management” “Leadership” intext:”Theory”

Searching for Limited Research on Servant Leadership in terms of Mediation

Note: OR is used when using multiple variants or synonyms that may appear in the paper.

intitle:”Customer Loyalty” allintext:Scarce OR Limited OR Little

intitle:”Customer Loyalty” allintext:Mediating OR “Scarce Empirical” OR “Limited Empirical” OR “Little Empirical”

Searching for Definitions

define “servant leadership”

Wildcard (*)

If a concept has different variants, we shall use the Wildcard asterisk (*). For example, the concept of Internal Marketing also appears in the literature as Internal Marketing. So * was used after the last letter “t”. Hence, there could be any text after the last letter “t”, the article will be included in the search results.

intitle:”Internal Market*”

intitle:”Customer Loyalty” allintext:Scarce OR Limited OR Little

For Practical Demonstration on how to use the String, Watch the following videos

Additional Google Scholar Search Tips and Tricks used in the Next Videos Attached.

Any Paper on multi-group analysis using AMOS

allintext:”multi-group analysis” AMOS

Any Paper on How to Report Confirmatory Tetrad Analysis

allintext:”confirmatory tetrad analysis”

Has anyone used Multi-Source Data with AMOS or PLS

allintext:Leader “multi source data” (pls OR AMOS)

How to Report Mediation/Moderation with SmartPLS

allintext:Moderation Analysis SmartPLS

allintext:Mediation Analysis SmartPLS

allintext:(“Mediation Analysis” OR “Moderation Analysis”) SmartPLS

allintext:”Mediation Analysis” “Moderation Analysis” SmartPLS

Any Paper that has used Convenience Sampling with Leadership Research

allintext:Leadership “Convenience Sampling”

Has fsQCA been used with Customer Loyalty

allintext:(fsQCA OR Configurations OR Recipes) “Customer Loyalty”

My Topic is Impact of Sound on Customer Experiences, Which theory shall I Use

allintext:Sound “Customer Experiences” Theory

allintext:Music “Customer Experiences” Theory

We find another keyword Atmosphere, So Music is part of Atmosphere, But is there a reference

allintext:Music Atmosphere “Customer Experiences” Theory

We Get another Keyword, With Atmosphere Physical Facilities can be used

allintext:Music (Atmosphere OR “Physical Facilities”) “Customer Experiences” Theory

How to Write Individual Discussion on the Variable in the Literature Review

Google Scholar is power research tool that if used properly can significantly reduce the writing time and produce a critical literature review.

Individual Discussion on a variable in the literature review is critical part of the literature review section. The individual discussion normally has 6 elements. In this session not only that i am going to describe briefly each of the elements, but also how to search each element using Google Scholar Search Strings.

Search Strings

intext:”Servant Leadership” (Defin* OR Refer*)
intext:”Servant Leadership” (Defin* OR Refer*) “Higher Education“
intext:”Servant Leadership” (Defin* OR Refer*) “Time”
intext:”Servant Leadership” (Defin* OR Refer*) (“Characteristics” OR “Theme” OR “Trait” OR “Facet”)
intext:”Servant Leadership” (Defin* OR Refer*) (“Agree” OR “Common”)
intext:”Servant Leadership” (Importan* OR Value*)

Video Tutorial