Searching and Writing the Literature Review
Literature Review
A critical literature review is imperative for quality research. The Process of searching and writing the literature review can be difficult and scholars are often confused about the necessary ingredients of a quality literature review.
Learn Searching and Writing the Literature Review
The tutorials will help the research scholars and academics identify the necessary elements of a quality literature review. The series of tutorials will help the researchers in searching and writing the literature review in an easy way.
The tutorials will help the researchers to
- Identify how to read a research paper and store critical information
- Formulate a research problem and draft research objectives and questions
- Format and structure the literature review section/chapter
- Learn through a step by step guide on how to structure and format literature review through a practical example.
Additionally, several tutorials are available on how to use tools/software like Mendeley, QDA Miner Lite, and Google Scholar for extracting literature from existing research. Using the software effectively and efficiently for a literature review can significantly aid the researchers in writing a critical literature review.
For a complete list of video tutorials on literature writing and software for a literature review visit
How to Write Quality Literature Review?
Tools/Software for Searching Literature Review
How to use #ChatGPT for #Literature Review and #Research? With a Word of Caution!
Software for Literature Review: Scenario Based Literature Search using QDA Miner Lite
How to approach and format the literature review in Business Research - With Example.
Writing the Literature: How to Write the Literature Review for the Research Paper/Thesis.
Skimming the Research Paper for Critical Literature and Storing Relevant Information
Literature Made Easy - Generate summaries from Research Articles using
Searching Research Literature using Google Talk to Books
Write Literature using QDA Miner Lite: An Easy to use Software for Literature Review
Webinar: Build Search Strings in Mendeley and Google Scholar for Research Literature
Google Scholar Search Strings for Business Research Literature using Intitle and Intext options
How to Format Literature Review: A Practical Example with Tools to facilitate Research Literature
How to use Google Scholar to find Research Papers | Search Tips for Literature Search.
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- 10 Minute Research Methodology
- Data Analysis using SmartPLS3
- Data Analysis using SPSS
- How to Search for a Research Topic
- How to Write for High Impact Factor Journals
- Quick Guides to Research
- SEMinR Lecture Series
- SmartPLS4 Tutorials Series
- Social Sciences Research Tutorials
- SPSS AMOS Software for SEM
- SPSS Hayes Process Macro Lecture Series
- Understanding the Research Methodology