How to use SmartPLS4

The series of tutorials is a step by step guide to the use of SmartPLS4.

Learn to use SmartPLS4

The series of tutorials guides the research scholars and data analysts on how to utilize SmartPLS4 to perform the basic and advance statistical techniques.

Introduction to SmartPLS4 Tutorial Series

SmartPLS4 is the new version of SmartPLS. The new and much advanced PLS-SEM tool has much more to offer. It is very user friendly and a great tool for both academics and practitioners to perform complex data analysis for their data.

Some highlights available in SmartPLS 4

  • A fundamentally renewed and optimized GUI
  • Significantly improved performance
  • Data import from Excel or SPSS in addition to CSV files
  • Multiple moderation (e.g., three-way interactions)
  • Testing endogenity with Gaussian copulas
  • Regression models, including many useful diagnostics and reports to fully perform the analyses
  • PROCESS type analysis, including bootstrapping of conditional direct and indirect effects
  • Necessary condition analysis (NCA) including significance testing
  • Accounting for scale type of variables in most algorithms
  • Standardized, unstandardized and mean-centered PLS-SEM analysis
  • New datafiles can be created from calulation results directly (useful for higher-order models)
  • Many new sample models are now included

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Looking for Recommended Readings to Learn SMARTPLS!

Advanced Issues in Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling Second Edition

The second edition of Advanced Issues in Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling offers a straightforward and practical guide to PLS-SEM for users ready to go further than the basics of A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling, 3rd edition.

A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) Third Edition

The third edition of A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) guides readers through learning and mastering the techniques of this approach. A running case study on corporate reputation follows the different steps in this technique so readers can better understand the research applications

Mastering Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (Pls-Sem) with Smartpls in 38 Hours

PLS can be a great alternative to existing covariance-based SEM approaches. Coupled with business examples and downloadable datasets for practice, the guide includes step-by-step guidelines for advanced PLS-SEM procedures in SmartPLS.

A Step By Step Guide PLS-SEM Data Analysis Using SmartPLS 4

This book focuses on step-by-step practical guides for PLS-SEM data analysis using the SmartPLS 4. Concepts are explained in detail with 11 step-by-step hands-on research examples to enable readers to carry out confidently each stage of the research and the PLS-SEM data analysis process: