How to find research gaps using systematic literature review?
In this tutorial, we will delve into the application of a systematic literature review to identify and propose innovative research gaps, ultimately facilitating the development of new research models. Systematic literature reviews are distinguished by their methodical approach, wherein authors rigorously select studies within a defined timeframe and summarize them based on specific inclusion and exclusion criteria, focusing on topics such as internal marketing, service quality, servant leadership, and knowledge-oriented leadership.

Learn to find research gaps in existing research using systematic literature review?
The tutorial is a step by step guide on How to find research gaps in existing #research using systematic literature review.Â
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Unveiling Research Gaps through Systematic Literature Review
Locating Relevant Systematic Literature Reviews
To begin, one must adeptly search for recent systematic literature reviews, a process often streamlined by using the search terms “systematic literature review” or simply “literature review.” By narrowing the search to recent reviews, specifically those published in past 1 year, researchers can extract novel insights, as older reviews may have already addressed identified gaps.
Analyzing Systematic Literature Reviews
Upon identifying a pertinent review, a detailed analysis ensues, examining the methodology employed. Utilizing the PRISMA technique, researchers can navigate a four-phased flow diagram that encompasses study identification, screening, eligibility criteria, and inclusion. Critical information, such as objectives, findings, subjects, and data collection methods, is presented in comprehensive tables, facilitating a nuanced understanding of the reviewed studies.
Extracting Research Questions and Identifying Gaps
As researchers navigate through the systematic literature review, they can pinpoint crucial sections outlining future research agendas and proposed research questions. These questions serve as invaluable prompts for devising new research models. For instance, the authors might pose queries related to the interconnection between self-leadership and servant leadership, or explore the impact of contextual dimensions on the relationship between servant leadership and positive outcomes.
Formulating a Unique Research Model
To construct an original research model, researchers can amalgamate insights from multiple systematic literature reviews. Drawing inspiration from identified gaps, potential variables, and relationships, a researcher might craft a distinctive model. For example, integrating findings on the impact of servant leadership on information sharing and helping behaviors, derived from different reviews, can pave the way for a comprehensive model assessing diverse leadership styles’ effects on organizational performance.
Ensuring Originality in Research
To ensure the originality of proposed research, researchers must conduct a meticulous literature review of existing studies. If a potential relationship, such as servant leadership’s impact on organizational performance through promotion focus, remains unexplored in prior literature, it signifies a novel contribution. Conversely, if the relationship has been extensively studied, researchers may need to refine their focus or explore alternative variables to maintain originality.
In conclusion, this tutorial has elucidated the systematic process of using literature reviews to uncover research gaps and propose innovative models. By adeptly navigating systematic literature reviews, researchers can discern existing research trajectories, identify unexplored avenues, and contribute significantly to the academic discourse. This methodical approach ensures the formulation of research questions that are both relevant and original, thereby enriching the scholarly landscape.