Common Mistakes in a Research Introduction
Identify the most common mistake made by scholars in the Introduction section of a research paper/thesis
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Just mentioning the recommendations from existing research is not enough.
The scholars must explain the need for research.
It is important to note that the research scholar shall clearly explain the need for the research study. The explanation starts right from the beginning of the research introduction where the author(s) mention the value of the topic.
If you are doing cross-discipline research, Explain Why it is Important.
If the topic under-investigation has been primarily discussed in a particular context like Business and Management and the scholar is focusing on the topic in the area of Higher Education, then it is very important that the scholar clearly identified the importance of the topic in the cross-discipline.
If the relationships have been studied before, how? Any Contradictory Results in the Past Studies? If so present them, if not, what is the limitation of research when the relationship was tested previously.
The scholar(s) shall not just present the results from existing research but also carry out in-depth review of existing literature to identify if the existing research has contradictory results pertinent to a relationship that is being proposed in the research.
Theoretical Gaps? Has previous research primarily focused on one or two theories pertinent to the concept, Can another theory be utilized with this concept?
The majority of the research studies are rejected because they fail to make substantial contributions to the theory. Scholar(s) shall review the existing literature for theories that have been primarily utilized to explain a relationship. If existing research has primarily focused on one of more theories to explain the relationship, can the scholar(s) explain the proposed relationship in light of a different theory.