How to Structure, Format, and Report SMART-PLS Results
Structure and Format SMART-PLS Results in Data Analysis and Results Chapter
One of the most daunting tasks and one where a lot of research scholars are confused is how to report SMART-PLS results. Any study that utilizes Structural Equation Modelling will have two models. The Measurement Model and the Structural Model.
The measurement model is presented first followed by the structural model. Measurement model presents the assessment of quality criteria of the constructs that commonly includes Factor Loading, Reliability and Validity (Convergent and Discriminant Validity). Since, it is a thesis, the scholar can report each under seaprate heading in separate table.
Once, the measurement model is reported, hypotheses results are presented as part of the structural model assessment. This includes all the different hypotheses and their results presented in details. The hypotheses may include simple hypotheses establishing direct relationship between variables, mediation hypothesis, or moderation hypotheses. It is recommended that while the scholar is reporting the results, first the hypotheses is mentioned, this is followed by a brief explanation of the hypotheses and then the results are explained. The same procedure shall be followed for mediation and moderation hypotheses.
In the end it is recommended that a summary table is presented to summarize the hypotheses results.
For More Detail and Step by Step Guide, Watch the Video
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