SPSS Hayes Process Macro

A detailed lecture series on how to perform Mediation and Moderation using Hayes Process Macro in SPSS

SPSS Hayes Process Macro

Process Macro using SPSS

Mediator and Moderator variables are critical to data analysis in survey based research. Analyzing Mediation and Moderation can be a complex task. However, with the process macro, analyzing complex model is significantly easier. The researcher should know the type of model (Conceptual Model) and the rest is easy.

In order to analyze mediating or moderating variables Process tools is increasing utilized using SPSS. PROCESS is an observed variable OLS and logistic regression path analysis modeling tool. It is widely used through the social, business, and health sciences for estimating direct and indirect effects in single and multiple mediator models (parallel and serial), two and three way interactions in moderation models along with simple slopes and regions of significance for probing interactions, and conditional indirect effects in moderated mediation models with a single or multiple mediators or moderators.  The Hayes PROCESS macro is developed by  Andrew F. Hayes.

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