Common Reasons for Manuscript/Research Paper Rejection

Research Paper Writing
The Focus of the video tutorial is on highlighting the most common and critical reasons for Manuscript/Research Paper Rejection.
Common Reasons for Manuscript/Research Paper Rejection
1.The Paper failed the technical screening (plagiarism, language, format of tables and figures).
2.The manuscript does not fall in the domain of the journal.
3.The research topic isn’t of great enough significance.
4.Lack of clear identification of theory.
5.Lack of clear identification of research gaps/limitations – Missing What’s New.
6.The manuscript fails to highlight the contributions of the study.
7.Relationships already tested.
8.Conceptualization and Measurement not in alignment.
9.Lack of critical literature that leads to hypothesis development.
10.Lack of appropriate methodology.
11.There are flaws in the procedures, presentation, or analysis of the data.
12.Lack of Flow and Structure.
Video Tutorial
Additional Tutorials
- 10 Minute Research Methodology
- Data Analysis using SmartPLS3
- Data Analysis using SPSS
- How to Search for a Research Topic
- How to Write for High Impact Factor Journals
- Quick Guides to Research
- Searching and Writing the Literature Review
- SEMinR Lecture Series
- SmartPLS4 Tutorials Series
- Social Sciences Research Tutorials
- SPSS AMOS Software for SEM
- SPSS Hayes Process Macro Lecture Series
- Understanding the Research Methodology