SPSS AMOS Full Structural Model Analysis

Full Structural Model

Full Structural Model Analysis

The Focus of the video tutorial is guiding how to designing, interpreting, and reporting a full structural model in SPSS AMOS.

Full Structural Model Analysis

  • A full structural model assesses the relationships between constructs but also includes the measurement indicators for each variable.
  • A full structural model will allow you to account for the measurement error in a construct’s indicators while also assessing the relationships between constructs.
  • You will initially draw all the constructs and indicators like you did in the CFA, then you will start including the direct paths between constructs. This is a more robust model and will account for each indicator individually.
  • Unlike a composite variable path model, each indicator of a construct is included along with its effect on other constructs.
  • Just like in the path model, you need to include error terms for each dependent construct and to make sure all error terms are labeled. In the CFA, all constructs were considered independent constructs, but that is not the case in a full structural model.
  • A construct is considered an independent if it has a structural relationship that influences another construct and is not being influenced by any other construct in the model.
  • In this example, Authentic Leadership and Ethical Leadership are the only independent variables. Since these two constructs are considered independent, a covariance needs to be added between them.
  • After adding the structural relationships and labeling all error terms, you are ready to run the analysis. A full structural analysis will give you not only the structural relationships between constructs but also the measurement properties or factor loadings for each construct.
  • Let’s take a closer look at the output of this full structural model test;

Interpreting the Output

A brief Review of the Output

Analyzing the Model Fit

Modification Indices

  • Next, let’s look at the modification indices. With the full structural model, we should have already assessed the measurement model when we performed a CFA; thus, our focus is not on adjusting/covarying error terms with constructs.
  • At this point, the modifications that concern us are the regression weights between constructs. As you can see, there are no modifications that are substantial or worthy of consideration.
  • The modification indices will suggest unacceptable alterations such as indicators having structural relationships with other indicators. Even if the modification index is high, these are nonsensical suggestions and should not be considered.